Startimes Announces the Launch of the first African Online Film Festival
StarTimes has announced the launch of its first edition of the Pan-African Online Film Festival (PAOFF). The festival will be running via StarTimes ON and it will be a quarterly competition where it will be open to all local professional film and music video producers.
The new platform is a fan’s voting system for all videos that are qualified for the awards competition, which will include favourite film ranking board, favourite short film ranking board, and favourite MV board.
All videos will be listed in the three boards based on their categories, and rank according to votes from StarTimes ON users. The number one video of each board will win the quarterly Best Film Award, Best Short Film Award and Best MV Award; and producer will get USD 1,500 as prize money.
Operations director, Startimes ON, Ariel Wang, explained “It is an online age and local online video contents will be an important pillar of StarTimes ON’s content strategy,”
She further added: “That’s why we established the PAOFF awards and we sincerely hope the awards competition will encourage the development of local online video creation and see the rise of African online video industry.”